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Supply Chain

Assessment on the Availability of Contraceptives and Essential Lifesaving Medicines in Mozambique


GDS conducted a nationwide assessment of the availability of essential lifesaving medi-cines and commodities at service delivery points in Mozambique. The purposes of this UNFPA funded study were to assess: 1) the availability of reproductive health commodities, other supplies, and basic child health equipment in health facilities; 2) the functioning of the supply chain system; 3) the integrity of the cold chain; 4) staff skills and training in the provision of contraceptive services; 5) the frequency, focus, and effectiveness of supervision; 6) the availability of guidelines and protocols; 7) waste disposal methods; information and communication technology; and 8) obtain client feedback. The assessment team conducted interviews and direct observation in 124 health facilities in ten provinces and the capital city Maputo. Exit interviews were conducted with over 1,100 clients regarding their perceptions of the quality and adequacy of the services offered by health facilities.

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Assessment of the Supply Chain Management System for Nutritional Products in Cameroon


GDS conducted an assessment of the UNICEF/Cameroon-supported supply chain that looked at the delivery of nutritional products such as RUTF, RUSF, Super-cereal Plus, fortified blended foods, micronutrient supplements, and deworming medicine. The GDS team reviewed demand management, procurement, warehousing, prepositioning, transportation management – including cold chain management – logistics management information system, staff skills, and the availability of resources. Interviews were conducted with health service providers, warehouse personnel, storekeepers, procurement officials and LMIS staff.

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