Evaluation of UNICEF/Cameroon Nutrition Project
GDS conducted a retrospective, multi-method, theory-based evaluation of UNICEF’s nutrition interventions in Cameroon to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability of UNICEF’s cooperation program for the period 2013-17. The evaluation involved data collection from: health system databases, in-depth interviews with key informants, focus groups, and direct observation of operations at program sites. The information obtained was triangulated for consistency, and analyzed to assess the program’s performance and impact.

Evaluation of Business Drivers for Food Safety (BD4FS)
Inadequate food handling practices and poor infrastructure across supply chains increase the transmission of foodborne pathogens that undermines the health and well-being of hundreds of millions of people across the globe each year.works in partnership with business and organizations to provide safe, nutritious, and affordable foods through supply chains that are commercially viable and environmentally sustainable, builds the capacity of business enterprises, and develops policy interventions
GDS provided technical assistance to FES to test the Theory of Change: whether there were improvements in food safety practices and technologies; whether such changes have spilled over to other business enterprises that did not receive FES support; and to identify and document the push/pull factors affecting the adoption of proven safer food handling protocols or practices by Growing Food Business (GFB)s.A multi-disciplinary GDS team designed the research protocol, data collection tools, and quality control of data collection and analysis plan. GDS worked closely with the FES team throughout the process.